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Features of Java

Features of Java

Java is a feature-rich programming language. Here is a list of the features in Java.

1. Simple: Java is easy to write and understand. Java programmer does not have to work with pointer and does not need to manage memory explicitly. Its virtual machine handles memory management. Java also eliminates operator overloading and multiple inheritances.

2. Java is Object Oriented: Java is a fully object-oriented language which follows all the rules of OOPS like inheritance, abstraction, polymorphism, etc. and everything can be treated in the form of objects.

3. Platform Independent: Platform Independent means that a program can run on any computer system. Java Programs can run on any system for which a Java virtual machine (JVM) has been installed. JVM provides a run time environment in which java byte code can be executed.
Java code can run on multiple platforms e.g. Windows, Linux, Sun Solaris, Mac/OS, etc. The compiler compiles Java code and transformed into bytecode. This bytecode is a platform independent code because it can run on different platforms i.e. write once and Run Anywhere (WORA) as shown in fig:

Java Features

4. High-Performance: Java technology achieves high performance by adopting a scheme by which the interpreter can run at full speed without needing to check the run-time environment. Automatic Garbage collection runs as a low priority background thread, ensuring the high availability of memory, thus leading to better performance.

5. Case Sensitive: Java is a case sensitive programming language

6. Dynamic: While executing the java program, the user can get the required files dynamically from a local drive or remote computer thousands of miles away from the users just connecting with the internet.

7. Secure: Java provides extensive compile-time checking followed by run-time checking. Memory management process is quite secure. The objects are created with a new operator. There is no pointer data type in Java. Java technology is designed to operate in a distributed environment, so the security in a prime concern.

8. Multithreading: Multithreading means a single program is having different threads executed independently at the same time. Java supports multithreading and provides the library for the thread class. Java was created to meet the real-world requirement of creating interactive network programs. It allows the programmer to write a program that performs many tasks concurrently.

9. Java is faster: Speed of Java program is faster compared to other compiled based languages such as C and C++.

10. Portable: Java code is portable. Java program can be quickly moved from one computer to the other computer system. Java bytecode can be efficiently executed on any machine that has the Java interpreter.
